Tuesday, August 23, 2011


recipi of buah melaka(0ndeh-ondeh):
glutinous rice flour

a drop of green colouring (better still, pandan leaves blended and
strained for the flavor & color)

a pinch of salt

17 g sugar (palm sugar)

82 g grated coconut :)

miow kitty :)

oh lala,salam readers !
this blog content of my pet that i would like to take care off..its kitten..miooowww

look at the picture,this kitten look so cute!,that's is why i love this pet.
cute, so pampered as well..
pet can be our friends also and can cheer up when we had some problem..
i do not get bored because this kitten can be my friend,ehmm yah my good friend actually..
it easy to describe that if i has this kitten as my pet,it can replace the gloomy environment/feel changed to joy feeling :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

makin lama makin kurang 
kalau dia sayang dia buatlah yang terbaik...
dan cara dia sekarang bukan yang terbaik untuk jaga hubungan ni..tq..
sedangkan bumi lagi hujan
ape lagi hati manusia ..
sedangkan cuaca selalu berubah,
apa lagi hati manusia..

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Aku cakap baik-baik, dia tak pernah 
nak layan dengan baik. Aku cuba
 jadi yang terbaik, dia tak pernah 
nak anggap aku baik. Okay terima 
kasih lah budak baik.

baik baik perangai tu lain kali
 kawan :)

Friday, August 5, 2011


facebook  serabut!
demam :(
plan jadi lain..mcm2 jadi dlm satu malam :'(
sedih gila...
xnak jadi macam ni lagi.
b no matter what happen i love you still!
always sayang..
thanks berbuka dgn i..happy!happy!
tp sedih tetap ada...
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3